26/7: New Year's eve Tone 12: yellow crystal seed guided by the yellow warrior
Day 12 is the day of solution and union of the polarities that the challenge has opened, it is a day of wisdom and open-minded learning often through cooperation and sharing. The yellow seed symbolizes new beginnings and possibilities and carries the power of change and transformation. it contain a lot of pure life energy and creativity and teaches us that change is the only constant thing in the universe, therefore ask us to allow transformation and renewal, it is the power of growth and self germination and connects us to nature, animals, plants and the earth. It asks us to plant the seeds of our intentions and to allow them to sprout in our reality, it has a great power of manifestation through intention. It wants us to let go of the old and make room for the new, to agree to transofm change and grow. The warrior of light guides this day and coming year to full expression of our truth, walking our talk and trusting our intuition. By that it frees us from outside voices, dependencies and addictions and open us to higher spiritual realms and realizations.
After being challenged by the wizard to listen to our hearts and to be independent from others and powerful in our bodies, we are solving this wave challenge and entering ever more fully to our own essence, heart and power. We learned another layer of what a true skywalker really is, compassionate and loving yet with clear boundaries to abuse, respecting his sacred space, determent and bringing heaven to earth.
And with this words we are entering the yellow crystal seed year which will be the theme for the whole coming 13 moons . AHO!
Happy New Yellow Crystal Seed Year ⚘
For private readings, guidance, direction and clarity in your life please PM me or through my email: 💕
~Shay Deri Blue Planetary Storm