Tonight (27/7) we are entering a new Mayan 13 day wave,the white world-bridger wave, and here is a bit on what we are going to face and embrace.
Surrender-foregiveness-humbling-death and rebirth.
28/7: Tone 1: White Magnetic World-bridger Tone 1 (magnetic) is a day of unity and centerdness were we attracting the energies that will accompany us through the coming wave, it is a day of connection to source and to the medicine of the day sign, it is a strong day for setting our intentions to the coming days. It has a magnetic qualities that often can attract social gathering, unity and unconditional love.
The worldbridger is the energy of death to the past, letting go, release, surrender, relaxation and forgiveness. It carries great humility and the power to transform and heal, it asks us to let go of old patterns and believes, to relax through our feelings and to accept the change with great humility to the ever mystery of Life. It contains the gift of true forgiveness by allowing of an inner death and rebirth. it helps us free our need of controling anything and open us to new possibilities, it invites the surrender of personal will to universal will (heart). It is a strong time to let go of all what does not serves us anymore and to set new intentions to our life that are matching our deepest soul desires and our awakening process. The world-bridger not only bridges life and death, spirit and matter, but also bridges between peoples and situations, and between ideas and their actual application. It can be very social as this connector and very powerful in the physical body.
The world-bridger wave is the wave that opens the new yellow crystal seed year and shows us that in order to bloom withthe seed and our intentions and new directions, we are starting by first letting go of the old, surrendering and allowing space for the new 💗
For private readings, guidance, direction and clarity in your life please PM me or through my email: shayderi1983@gmail.com 💕
~Shay Deri Blue Planetary Storm